I immediately connected with a group where I would fit right in: the #BusEdu community. And boy did I "meet" some cool people. I eventually branched out and connected with teachers, administrators, tech specialists, counselors, and business people from all backgrounds who challenged me with their ideas and experiences. That is EXACTLY what a PLN is supposed to do, so I am grateful.
One of those individuals is Jordan, a business teacher from Regina, Saskatchewan. He was one of the first people I made direct contact with on Twitter. I can't remember exactly how it happened (I'm sure it was Jordan's idea), but we decided it would be great to let our students collaborate. We Skyped a couple of times, planned, collaborated, and came up with an opportunity for our students to discuss their local economies, social media, and personal branding.
The students collaborated through Google Docs, blogging, and Twitter, and it was a pretty cool experience. Our students were able to discuss relevant issues with students miles away in a different country. There were times when differences were present, but more often, there were similarities. It was a great experience, and a great discussion from their perspective on social media and personal branding. I am glad to have "met" Jordan and his students, and look forward to future opportunities like these.
Campbell Biz image: Jordan McFarlen
Check out some of the discussions: #camhoobiz.
Thanks for posting about this Gerri! It was an excellent learning opportunity for the students and very intriguing for them to connect with other high school students from a different country.Your idea to do the tweet chat was awesome and I think it was the highlight of the collaboration. It was great to connect on this project and Campbell would be more than happy to connect with Hoover again next year! Have a great summer!