Professional development is such a vital part of our role as educators. We have to continuously learn new ways to reach and engage our students. It's one of the things I happen to love about teaching. I'm one of those people who always liked school, so the fact that my job requires me to learn all the time is pretty cool.
I try to participate in professional development opportunities at all levels - local, state, regional, national, and online. I recently got the opportunity to attend the Business and Financial Responsibility Seminar for High School Educators held at the University of Pennsylvania. Sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers and Wharton Business School, this was an opportunity for educators from all over the east coast to get together and learn from peers, Wharton professors, and industry leaders. The two and half days were intensive, but packed with so much SUBSTANCE. I left there feeling refreshed and hungry at the same time.
There were about 150 educators and administrators from all over the east coast. (Though I was the only Alabama attendee, I did meet a few teachers from the Atlanta area.)
While I thought we'd be mostly discussing financial literacy, I was pleasantly surprised that we discussed ALL aspects of business.
I loved the diversity of topics:
Personal Branding
Financial Literacy
I understood maybe 30% of what this Wharton economics professor was saying! Economics has never been my strength, so I was prepared to be completely lost. Luckily he was funny, so he held my attention the whole time (hard to do when you're talking to me about economics)!
Diversity in the Workplace
Marketing (my personal favorite!)
Entrepreneurship, management, etc. -- ALL of those areas of business, led by Wharton professors, PWC leaders, and other high school educators.
It was dynamic, energetic, interesting, and SO worthwhile. I encourage everyone to check out the resources these two organizations have created JUST FOR educators. I won't try to explain to you what they are. I'll let the resources speak for themselves (click the links below).
Go here to learn more about the opportunity to attend this seminar yourself (you won't regret it). I should mention that ALL EXPENSES ARE PAID by Wharton and PWC (flight, hotel, meals, etc.), so the trip will literally cost you nothing.
And the added bonus? Meeting fun people and networking! (I'll call these people by their city/state names for privacy reasons - no names).
"Boston" and I actually met at the airport. While waiting for the shuttle, we realized we were going to the same hotel and put two and two together.
With my seminar buds (l to r) St. Louis, Boston, Brooklyn, and Mt. Ulla (NC)!
More buds at dinner that night. Jersey and Philly.
Cool math teacher from a city in Pennsylvania (can't remember).
During lunch one day, I stepped out to take a short walk around the campus. Absolutely beautiful.
Did you know Benjamin Franklin founded Penn?
New addition to the business school.
Pictured with reps from Wharton and PWC.
I've been to plenty of great conferences and seminar, but have never experienced one so rich in substance and networking opportunities. I am truly grateful for the experience, and highly recommend it to others.
In the past, the seminar has been held twice a year (San Francisco and Philadelphia). If you're not already registered on the KWHS site, you can do that here. Look for an email in late spring/early fall for information on the seminar.
And when you get it, APPLY. You won't regret it!
Update (February 12, 2014): The application is now available for the June 2014! Go here to learn more and APPLY! If you'd like information on the upcoming location (San Francisco), ask my colleague @HHSFinanceGregg! She attended last summer.